Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Outlet Stores

Tuesday after class, we went out to the Outlet Stores that were located outside Florence. Getting to the suburbs is extremely hard compared to New Jersey. We had to walk to the train station, get off the train 45 minutes later and take a shuttle to the stores. Maybe it is having a car that makes it easier, but even when I have to take public transportation here it takes less time.

When we got to the Outlet Stores, I was a little unimpressed with the prices. In the US, everything is usually heavily marked down. The prices in Italy were not as good as I thought it would be. However, the stores there are all the top of the line Italian designers. Plus, it could have been affected by everything being in Euros and me taking that into account. I guess the outlets there could also have a different mission than the ones in the United States, one being a place to have the newest lines and the other being a place to get rid of older styles. Anyways, I had a fun time and left with a nice dress shirt and tie, but I went really far to do it.

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